Thursday, August 21, 2008

Custom built

What is something that is custom built? How would you perceive something that is custom built? Is it something that is hand built? It can be but not necessarily.

Is it something that no one else has anything like? Most likely, but that is not necessarily true either, because someone might build something and then another person could come along and copy it. If that was to happen in a custom fence, deck or pergola you probably wouldn't know, or there might be some difference that you couldn't tell anyway.
Something custom made is designed, built and altered to suit specific needs or likenesses. It is something that is not traditional or standard, and never mass-produced. It is also built to order.

This blog site is a good example of something customized. The templates are standard but you have the customization link to make changes to your desires.

There are a lot of fence and deck builders that say they build custom products, but as soon as you mention change or show them a picture of something you want similarly built, they normally will run and you will never hear from them again. They would also be less likely to make changes after the project is started.

We at and would be excited to sit down with you to consult and design a fence, deck or pergola to meet your needs and budget.

Custom built pool house

Home in Woodstock, Conn.